About the Journal



Interdisciplinary systems theory and practice for a sustainable world

‘System Change’ is our title as this includes a number of related areas:

  • analysis of the world as different kinds of systems in process and in relationship

  • understanding the interactions of systemic levels – from micro to macro and local-to-global

  • methods and examples of how to intervene in systems to transition to forms that can be better for people and planet

  • methods and examples of how to design and develop effective systems for human well-being and ecological sustainability

  • the extent but also the limits of knowledge in recognition of process, complexity and emergence

  • inspiration and hope for positive change from a wide variety of existing and new traditions grounded in human and ecological values based on systemic knowledge and wisdom

  • an overall aim to support knowledge creation and circulation to help make positive system change for a sustainable world

SYSTEM CHANGE is published by the Schumacher Institute for Sustainable Systems. This means we begin by drawing our contributors and ideas from the institute's Fellows and networks but we are open to working with other groups that share our general goals. Please get in touch! We are especially interested to keep in being a critical mass of systems thinkers so we are keen to connect with individuals who would like to engage with a community of thinking through this journal and associated activities.


This is our interactive space for authors.

These events are FREE for Schumacher Members, Fellows and Journalists & 5 GBP for other participants. Donations to our tree planting scheme are welcome and can be made through the booking site.

Information about events can be found on our website https://www.schumacherinstitute.org.uk/

*logo conception and design by Asitha Jayawardena https://www.linkedin.com/in/asithaj/?originalSubdomain=uk


Aims of our Journal platform:

  • a freely accessible journal for a wide variety of systemic work supporting sustainability

  • a journal that can host contributions from a diversity of cultures and perspectives

  • thematic issues that help to develop key areas of debate and practice

  • encourage learning between social movements for sustainability, theorists/researchers, business – particularly social and ecological business – and policy/government

  • exploration of focussed examples of change placed in the context of their wider relationships

Thematic areas of focus include:

  • systems learning, philosophy and methodology

  • changing education and research systems

  • economic system change

  • systems approaches to the past and future

  • socio-ecological and socio-technical systems change

  • policy challenges and systemic knowledge and intervention

  • methodology of interdisciplinary research and project development

  • socio-economic and political change and governance systems

  • cultural and belief systems, emotional identity and narrative aspects of change

  • concepts of human being and relationships to wider systems

A project in development:

This journal is conceived as a process that we hope will flourish…and we welcome new contributors, ideas and editorial suggestions. We are also happy to develop special themed issues linked to events and/or projects and to extend the range of organisations with which this journal is linked. We particularly welcome contributions and nominations for our editorial board from areas of the world which are not currently represented.